Melbourne AccountantMelbourne AccountantMelbourne Accountant
1300 NXT GEN (698 436)
9am to 9pm
VIC 3008


How Bookkeeping can be done for a Non-Profit Organisation?

The bookkeeping for the non-profit sectors constitutes the principles and customary accounting tasks that all business employees apply to record, analyze, and track the financial transactions. And for this, some vital aspects of bookkeeping are required that may be affected by the non-profit organization. The main allegiance of the non-profit organization is its board members […]
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Accountants to the rescue during COVID-19

Source: While frontline health professionals have been saving the lives and health of Australians during the COVID-19 disruptions, accountants have been working flat out to save the businesses and livelihoods of their clients. Major Government stimulus packages such as JobKeeper and the business cash flow boost payments have been critical in keeping many businesses […]
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Employers’ frequently asked JobKeeper questions

Source: General Question: What’s the difference between JobKeeper and JobSeeker? Answer: The JobKeeper scheme supports businesses to retain their employees by contributing to their salary and wages and is administered by the ATO. Eligible businesses are required to register with the ATO to receive these payments for their eligible employees. JobSeeker payments are a form of […]
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