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Crack your dream internship with these easy hacks!

We are a smart generation and we know what is supposed to be done and how to do it. Where some of us have finished off more than several internships there are still some people left who haven’t started yet.

This blog is for those some of us.

Yes, slow and steady indeed win the race but one needs to start walking. Internships are an excellent way to supplement your formal study in Australia. They allow you to obtain hands-on experience, broaden your knowledge, begin networking and explore the job. But sometimes it’s just hard to get started. If you’re thinking about getting some work experience, we’ve got some tips for landing an internship in Australia.

1. BE AN EARLY BIRD: Start early, any applicant who got some extracurricular activities and voluntary work on his resume helps him to get into good internships. For say if one has spent time working for an international not-for-profit organization, it will charm the firm within seconds. Campus careers fairs are also a good way to start with.

2. FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION: We all know the first impression is the last, so try to spellbound others with a good first impression. Work on minute details, present a good portfolio, be presentable, have a brief knowledge about the subject, and voila! there it is, you succeeded in leaving a good impression.

3. APPLICATION PROCESS IS IMPORTANT: What a good management can not do?EVERYTHING! Manage the application process carefully. During the phase of the internship, there is so much on your plate- exams, assignments, and whatnot. But in this hustle-bustle don’t take your internship application process for granted. Manage your time to fill all those application forms and go through your interviews with flying colors.

4. DEVELOP THOSE SOFT SKILLS: Most candidates appear to be very similar to one another. They’re smart, generally experienced, and have great academic qualifications. On the other hand, soft skills, such as the ability to work in a team, manage your time, communicate effectively, give a presentation, or coach others proven to be the pixie dust of success The group interview is designed to assess your ability to collaborate with others to execute a challenging assignment. That’s where folks who have perfected their soft talents shine the brightest.

5. BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR INTERNSHIP: An internship is one option for many soon-to-be graduates to get a graduate position with a reputed organization. As a result, people must determine what they want from their employment before determining if the company can deliver it. Determine what you value in your work – and ensure you’ll be able to obtain it.

6. START NETWORKING: Networking is the key element for lifting your career. One should start networking as early as possible. Make contact with people and organizations of interest. If there is a specific organization for which you would like to intern, check their website to see if they offer any work experience possibilities. You can also contact the organization directly by sending an email asking if they are currently seeking interns.

7. RESUME HOLD IMPORTANT WEIGHTAGE: Prepare a good portfolio to easily go through the screening process. The application process for an internship position is frequently identical to that of a regular job – so be sure to keep your resume up to date.

Don’t forget to do your home! Warm up for that upcoming interview, do thorough research about the firm and get your internship process done with all ease. Follow these tips to get the internship that is made for you.


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