People in Australia have been looking out for the different ways through which they can claim more
money from paying the Tax. But they have now been warned by the ATO that if anyone founds doing
any creative attempt to earn more money, they may have faced many penalties. They may even have
the risk of delay in the tax refund.
It has also been found by ATO that people are now investing more in the share and EFT. But there are
most of the people who are misunderstanding their obligation for the Tax. There are people who are
investing for the first time who does not understand it at all. They do not keep a proper record of
everything, and they think they have to pay the tax for the share they have sold and not the dividend
they get from the, which is wrong.
Now, ATO has received all the data from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission,
exchanges, brokers, and share registries on the payment of dividends and also the sale and purchase of
shares. As a result, the transaction will automatically be added to the tax return of the payers, and it will
make things a lot easier for the ATO.
What do you mean by ETFs?
ETFs are electronically traded funds that will offer you low-cost access to the different types of
investment, and it is even an amazingly popular option for investment. There is plenty of micro-investing
an application that uses ETF and that can be used in their phone. The application also provides their
investors the standard distribution statement that they break down when it is time t pay the tax.
In the SDS, you will able t see the al the capital gains and losses that have been occurred by the investor
during the purchase and sale of units. It also is important to include in the tax return.
Treat your earning just like the cash
The taxpayer has to declare their earning even if they have not withdrawn a single penny from the
account. People often think that they only have to pay the taxes on the money they earn from selling
the shares. But they do not realize that they also have to pay the taxes on the distributions and
dividends. Though they are the reinvestment plant that you receive through dividend and distribution,
you also need to use that for tax purposes because it is treated as income.
Investor calculates their capital gain and loss by selling the shares and then record in the tax return, but
the main thing they need to consider is that the capital loss can only be calculated on the sale of shares
and then it can be claimed. If the share price drops, they calculate that as the capital loss, then they
cannot claim that.
There may be some entrepreneurs who may show their capital losses as the income tax paid t the other
income such as wages and salary, but if they found out to do that thing after analyzing, then they have t
have to pay the penalties.
Keep a record of everything to stay out of trouble
The best to keep yourself out of trouble is to keep a record of each and everything that you do. It makes
sure that you are complying with the tax obligations that you have. All these things, such as a tax on
investment or ETF or any other thing, can be complex, but things will be easier for you if you have the